Cramlington care home Residents make DIY scarecrows

Cramlington care home Residents make DIY scarecrows

September 2020

Residents at HC-One’s Hartford Court care home in Cramlington recently got their creative...

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Durham care home Resident helps prepare home for gardening competition

Durham care home Resident helps prepare home for gardening competition

September 2020

A kind Resident at HC-One’s St Margaret care home in Durham recently assisted Colleagues in...

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Puzzle time at Burton-on-Trent home

Puzzle time at Burton-on-Trent home

September 2020

Resident Shirley Smith has only been at Branston Court’s care home for a short while, so...

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Hayes Residents enjoying indoor floor games

Hayes Residents enjoying indoor floor games

September 2020

Middlesex based care home, Aston House, hosted a selection of indoor floor activities for...

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A very happy birthday to Sheffield Resident

A very happy birthday to Sheffield Resident

September 2020

Frances, a Resident at HC One’s Holmwood care home, celebrated her birthday today. Today...

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Fun and games at Nottingham care home

Fun and games at Nottingham care home

September 2020

Residents at HC One’s Springwater Lodge care home have been enjoying playing some table top...

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Broadway care home enjoy beer tasting session

Broadway care home enjoy beer tasting session

September 2020

Resident at HC One’s Brompton House care home spent the after tasting different beers. ...

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Roundhay Resident pooch turns one today

Roundhay Resident pooch turns one today

September 2020

Residents at Chandlers Ford care home in Roundhay, Yorkshire, were delighted in wishing Alfie a...

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Stafford Resident proud as punch at family photographs

Stafford Resident proud as punch at family photographs

September 2020

Heather Binks resides at Maple Court in Rowley Park, Stafford. Her nieces Jenny and Helen live...

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Goodbye to retiring carer of 23 years at Henley-On-Thames home

Goodbye to retiring carer of 23 years at Henley-On-Thames home

September 2020

Maria Porter has worked at Thamesfield care home in Oxfordshire for over 23 years as a carer and...

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