Dorothy Woodcock, a Resident at HC One’s Ringway Mews care home, has spoken today about some of her memories.
Dorothy is one of the Residents at the Manchester care home who loves to talk and reminisce about her life.
She always has plenty to say and really wanted everyone to know who she is and where she came from. Colleagues at the home appreciate this is not the usual ‘news story’, but with lock down and no visits of families the wellbeing team have found it so interesting to spend quality time during one to ones with Residents and want to share this!
Dorothy has always worked and lived in the area, her father was a blind pianist and her mother working in confectionary - Dorothy thought the mix was amazing!
Dorothy loves gardening and won an award for her garden from the Lord Mayor of Manchester!
Dorothy is such a character and it’s so lovely to hear her talk about her interesting life.