Plenty has been going on this month at HC-One’s April Park care home, in Sheffield, with the launch of a brand-new club for Colleagues as well as interesting activities for Residents including making bird seed balls for the garden.
On 27th January, a number of Residents came together to make bird seed balls to hang in the trees at April Park, to ensure that the birds managed to eat in the cold weather. Brenda, Dinah, Jenny Beryl and Pat, who all live at the home, got their hands messy by making the seed balls (pictured). One asked, “Are these worms alive?” to which the rest of the group had a giggle at.
The whole group enjoyed mixing the worms, bird seed and lard together, “It was fun and the lard felt squishy,” one commented.
Home Manager, Alison Cossey, remarked, “The Residents had a great time, the laughter could be heard down the corridor!”
Also, this week, April Park Colleagues have come together to start a slimming club and encourage healthy living including exercising and eating right. This was a suggestion, in line with the wellbeing initiatives. Twelve Colleagues, including Alison, Chris, Stef, Chantelle, Chloe, Sharon, Karen, Josie and Lisa, all joined in.
Alison added, “I think it is a great way to bring the team together and improve wellbeing too.”