Yarm Mayoress celebrates the power of art with local care homeLocal Chairman and Mayoress of Ceremonies, Lyn Casey joined HC-One’s Highfield care home in Yarm for a day filled with delicious treats, entertainment and lots of art to celebrate the seventh annual national Care Home Open Day.

The home, located in The Meadowings, put on a fun-filled event, which included, a coffee and cake morning, tombola, raffle, music, entertainment, art-based activities as well as refreshments and a buffet lunch.

Care Home Open Day is a national event that gives local people the opportunity to learn more about the care services at the heart of their community. It focusses on bringing those who live locally into care homes to break down misconceptions, showcase what life is really like in a care home, and to highlight the skills and dedication of local people working as carers. The aspiration of everyone having a better understand how kind care is delivered.

This year’s theme was ‘Celebrating Art in Care,’ with HC-One launching a national Art Competition to encourage, Residents, their loved ones, colleagues and neighbours to unleash their creativity and design their own masterpiece.

Highfield Home Manager, Jackie Lothian said: “Thank you to everyone who attended Highfield for Care Home Open Day. It is a wonderful opportunity to bring the local community together and we are honoured to have had Mayoress, Lyn Casey attend. It was great day and we all enjoyed kicking off the day with a slice of cake and a coffee.”

HC-One Managing Director, Stephen Butterworth said: “Care Home Open Day is a great opportunity for HC-One to continue to strengthen our ties with the local communities around our homes.  

“Every day we strive to be the first-choice provider for those looking for the kindest care and the employer of choice for our colleagues – but on Care Home Open Day we truly get to show this off to everyone who visits.”