Worsley care home pays tribute to their much-loved cat with residents and colleagues to mark InternaHC-One’s Worsley Lodge Care Home in Worsley, Manchester, are celebrating International Cat Day on August 8 by paying tribute to their much-loved special cat called Felix. 

International Cat Day was first created in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare to raise awareness for cats and to learn about the way to help and protect them. 

Having a pet cat residing in a care home can offer many benefits to the elderly, including enhancing therapeutic care and providing companionship. Residents can also improve their wellbeing by engaging with their pet cats and they can help facilitate better social interaction. 

Felix, who is a black and white cat has lived at the home for nearly six years where he has been making residents smile. Felix moved into the home upon a resident’s request following losing their cat and requesting if he could come live at the home, much to the delight of residents.

Felix was a very shy cat to begin with but soon came out of his shell once he became familiar with his new surroundings and company. He loves sitting with residents and getting fussed over, he enjoys the attention and getting stroked.

He enjoys lounging in the garden area in the sunshine and watching people pass by. Residents love Felix and make sure he is well looked after and cared for.

Residents even have a photo of Felix in their rooms in the home. Colleagues working at Worsley Lodge also love as he has made such a difference to the atmosphere of the home. 

Resident Joan Brown at Worsley Lodge Care Home, commented:

“I love waking up in the morning to see little Felix’s face. It makes me so happy. I love him and he likes me making a fuss over him.”