Woodlands View care home in Stevenage, which provides residential, nursing and nursing dementia care, have some wonderful activities and events taking place on the 1
st of July.
Care Home Open Week is a little different this year with the activities across the nation taking part over a week, as opposed to just one day as with previous years. It is hosted by Championing Social Care, a volunteer-led group with the aim of ensuring public understanding, appreciation, and respect for social care.
Woodlands View’s main open day however will be on Friday 1
st July, with a range of different activities happening across the different Houses at the care home. There will be a exercises and dance activity taking place on Wellfield House, and a cookery morning hosted in Lucas House at the same time. There will also be a “on this day in history” event planned in Wellfield House, where Colleagues will go through some historic events that happened in the past.
Later in the afternoon there will be a range of different garden projects happening and there is an over arching Hawaiian theme happening throughout the whole day. At 3pm there will be Pina Colada’s served on the patio with fresh fruit baskets for Fruity Friday, with a singalong of some of the Residents favourite songs.
Deby, the Home Manager commented, “We have such a lovely day planned for our Residents and guests, I’m sure it will be a fun day for all”.