HC-One’s Linlithgow care home in Linlithgow, West Lothian opened its doors on Monday 1st April to two very small and woolly lambs.
Residents were thrilled with Wellbeing Coordinators, Billie Skene and Jan Anderson brought two lambs from Riccarton Farm to Linlithgow for the day. Everyone took turns feeding the lambs, giving them cuddles and watching them interact with each other.
The lambs were very popular with all Residents, visitors and members of the team at Linlithgow, everyone hopes to meet some more lovely animals throughout the year.
Linlithgow Home Manager, Roger Milligan said:
“What a lovely experience for our Residents, it was a joy to see their faces light up as they saw the lambs.
“Thank you to Billie and Jan for organising such a memorable day.”