Wishes fulfilled during Residents shopping trip
Residents at Carders Court Care Centre enjoyed a trip out to their local shopping centre.
Robert was happy to see some familiar faces as he shopped around Bury, as this was where he used to do his shopping. He enjoyed a chat with some of the checkout staff he recognised.
Doris was happy to go shopping, as she has held a long desire to have her ears pierced, which we did, she was over the moon to achieve this.
Once the ladies had finished their shopping, a nice cup of coffee and a snack in the café was in order!
Susan said:
"Thank you, it’s been lovely to get back out and see familiar faces!"
Resident Katie said:
"It’s been a lovely morning!"
Wellbeing coordinator Heidi Carter said:
"It’s nice to take the Residents out and see them enjoy themselves, especially seeing Kath chat to people she hasn’t seen for a while!
To see Doris achieve her long desired ambition to get her ears-pieced and to see the delight of her face is amazing"