At HC-One’s
Needham Court care home in Jarrow, Residents have been working hard creating a fabulous wildlife garden for everyone to enjoy.
Residents were keen to get involved in this project to make a safe home for the wildlife in the area. Both Residents and staff got together to put together a wildlife garden for both Residents and families to enjoy.
With the winter coming in very quickly, the Residents were keen to get this wildlife garden set up as soon as possible, so the animals had a warm and comfortable place to live.
Over the past few weeks the Residents have been making their own hedgehog houses and visiting the local shopping and garden centres to purchase bird houses, bird feeders and a bug hotel!
Residents also designed their own wooden sign saying ‘Needham Court’s Wildlife Garden’.
It has been great for the Residents as they have been filling up the bird feeders and visiting the garden with their loved ones.
Making the hedgehog houses were a highlight for the Residents as they got to be creative.
One Resident, said, “I have truly enjoyed making the wildlife area as it really benefits the wildlife.”
Some of the Relatives have even asked if they can help out and get some things for the garden which is so great.
Joann Mills, Care Home Manager, remarked, “What an amazing idea from the Residents, it makes a difference and looks fab.”