White Gables Hosts Festive Christmas Party For ResidentsThe Residents, visitors and staff at White Gables Care Home enjoyed some festive fun at their annual Christmas Party on Tuesday 19th December.

With Christmas Day fast approaching the staff from White Gables Care Home, located in the picturesque village of Skellingthorpe, decided to host a Christmas Party. The Residents welcomed their friends and family to White Gables Care Home on 19th December for some festive entertainment and refreshments.

Both staff and Residents enjoyed dancing the afternoon away with the amazing singer, Tina Winters and everyone was in the festive spirit after some delicious mulled wine and homemade mince pies.

After all the crackers were pulled, raffle tickets were sold and games were finished there was a magnificent total of £81 raised and some lucky visitors left with great prizes. Once the festivities were done everyone tucked into a well-deserved delicious buffet tea before the party came to an end.

Catherine Mitchell, White Gables Home Manager said:

“It’s always lovely to see the staff and Residents enjoying themselves, a truly great day was had by all. We look forward hosting more events for the Residents in 2018."

Mags Barton, HC-One’s Area Director, said: 

“The staff at White Gables did an amazing job of providing the Residents and their visitors with a truly memorable day. This is a perfect example of how we strive to provide the kindest care for each and every Resident."