Watford care home Residents receive name badgesResidents at HC-One’s River Court care home were treated to a surprise celebration, in which they were to receive honorary name badges.

Snacks and drinks were prepared by the catering team for all to enjoy in the quiet room, as the selected Residents were gathered into the room and told the surprise which was about to place.

Residents were delighted to know about this, remarking at how excited they were to find out they would receive a name badge each, the smiles on everyone’s faces showing their excitement.

Everyone was pleased as they were awarded with their badges, with Colleagues showing appreciation for all that the Residents do, and ensuring each of them understand just how special they are.

Bijoy Phillip, home manager, commented: “We are so delighted to see how happy the Residents were in receiving each of their badges. They are wonderful and we are glad to show them how special they all are.”