Warrington Residents enjoy a flipping good Pancake dayResidents from HC-One’s Summerville care home in Warrington enjoyed exploring the homes kitchen this Tuesday as they made their own pancakes.

The Residents came in groups to the kitchen to see where their meals are prepared and to take part in pancake day antics.

Steve, the chef at Summerville assisted the Residents in making some pancakes and once they were ready, were handed the reigns and tried their hand at flipping them.

Summerville Resident Stan Hughes said: “What fun I have had today, I haven’t flipped a pancake in years!”

The Residents really enjoyed seeing the kitchen and being involved with the process of making the pancakes and enjoyed a lovely day with the kitchen staff.

Summerville Home Manager Catherine Haycock said: “It was lovely seeing the kitchen staff, activities staff, carers and the Residents all spending time together to make some beautiful memories for the Residents.”