Walsall Care Home Celebrates Art in CareAs part of the seventh annual Care Home Open Day, HC-One’s Ash Grange Care Home opened its doors to the community to take part in creative celebrations.

Care Home Open Day is a national event that gives local people the opportunity to learn more about the care services at the heart of their community. It focusses on bringing those who live locally into care homes to break down misconceptions, showcase what life is really like in a care home, and to highlight the skills and dedication of local people working as carers. The aspiration of everyone having a better understanding of how kind care is delivered.

Colleagues and Residents got creative as they dressed in 1950’s themed clothing with some Residents opting to wear the popular 50’s themed neck scarves. Children from the local primary school also attended the home to take part in arts and crafts activities with the Residents, whilst entertainment was provided by Gina Price who sang for everyone.

Residents, Relatives and visitors danced the afternoon away as their favourite, well-loved songs played, and afterwards, a home-prepared buffet was provided for all to enjoy as everyone sat down together and talked amongst themselves.

Anita Horton, Home Manager, commented: “A fantastic day was had by all, and it was lovely to see everyone enjoying themselves. Residents especially enjoyed interacting with the school children and we look forward to hosting another event in the future.”