Valentine’s Day celebrations at Hornchurch care homeLove was all around HC-One’s The Hornchurch care home in Hornchurch as Residents celebrated Valentine’s Day with a religious service followed by love-themed party.

St John’s Church vicar visited The Hornchurch on Friday 14th February to host a church service for Residents, visitors and team members, during the service the vicar led prayers and hymns followed by a reading from the bible from St Valentine which enjoyed by all.

Residents were all presented with their own individual rose from the team at The Hornchurch before festivities were in full swing at the home’s Valentine’s Day party. 

A live entertainer performed a variety of classic love ballads and a delicious selection of food and beverages were served, Residents and guests enjoyed singing along to their favourite songs and taking part in a special love-themed raffle which raised £40 for the Resident’s Comfort Fund.

One Resident commented: “Thank you to the team for organising such a lovely day, I had so much fun celebrating with everyone.” 

The Hornchurch Home Manager, Tania Banner said: “At The Hornchurch, we like to celebrate important days, like Valentine’s Day, as a community. It was great to see everyone enjoying the events and creating happy memories together.”