Upwood care home welcomes furry visitorsResidents and Colleagues at Manor House welcomed two furry friends recently when a local dog breeder and two of her Newfoundland showing dogs visited the home.

Everyone was overjoyed to see the dogs, and lots of cuddles were enjoyed, whilst their handler, Rebecca, kindly showed Residents what the dogs were trained for, as she played videos on her tablet of them in action, specifically in the water.

As well as this, they brought in some of the Rosettes the dogs had won , to show the Residents and announced that one of the dogs, Pirate, had qualified for Crufts for life.

Residents found the morning to be amazing, and commented on how big the dogs were, and enjoyed petting the dogs whilst they found out more about what they could do.

Rebecca also kindly invited the Residents and staff to go and watch the dogs training at a nearby lake.

Bhekimpilo Perelion, Home Manager, commented: “It’s been a lovely afternoon for the dogs to visit, and it was so nice to meet them and learn about their lives and training.”