Tipton care home throw surprise tea party to celebrate Colleagues 40th birthdayColleagues at HC-One’s Waterside care home in Tipton have thrown a surprise tea party for one of their fellow members of staff as she turned 40.

Waterside Colleague, Fiona Sewera turned 40 on March 12th and Colleagues thought it would only be right to organise a surprise tea party for her. Fiona is a much-loved member of staff, by both Residents and Colleagues always shows kindness when caring for Residents and working with Colleagues.

Fiona enjoyed a surprise tea party with Colleagues and Residents in the homes lounge, where she was greeted by a table for of gifts, a lovely afternoon tea set up and a Happy Birthday singalong by Residents.

Fiona really enjoyed the day and got quite emotional when she was opening her cards and presents. There is nothing quite like a surprise party.

Located in the village of Tipton, close to Dudley, Waterside is a friendly care home with 60 beds, offering nursing care.