Tiny feet make a visit to Residents at Knowsley ManorResidents at HC-One’s Knowsley Manor were delighted to welcome two very special guests to the care home – a couple of miniature ponies.

Residents and staff at the Knowsley-based care home have regular visits from Doolittle’s ponies, who receive a warm greeting from everyone at Knowsley Manor. The company takes animals to care homes, schools and hospitals as a form of therapy.

The delightful guests introduced themselves to the Residents, who in turn showed their love and appreciation by giving the ponies plenty of strokes, cuddles and kisses.

The ponies even visited Residents in their rooms to ensure that everyone had the opportunity to meet the affectionate friends.

Residents, Relatives and staff enjoyed petting and learning more about the Shetland ponies, as the pet therapy experience allowed Residents to interact and make memories together. The visit also enabled Residents to reminisce about their experiences with pets when growing up.

One Resident commented: “You are never too old to pet such a beautiful pony. It reminds me of seeing horses in the field when I was a child.”

Diane Bardsley, Home Manager at Knowsley Manor, said: “Petting animals and being in their company has proven, therapeutic benefits, particularly for those living with dementia. You can see from our Residents’ reactions just how engaged they are when given the opportunity to get up so close to such lovely animals.”

Melanie Benson, Area Director, said: “Innovative and fun activities like this one are part of HC-One’s journey to becoming the kindest care home provider in the UK.”