The Willows Residents enjoy special visit from Hinckley MayorResidents and staff at The Willows care home in Hinckley were delighted to welcome the region’s Deputy Mayor to the home.

Jan Kirby, the Deputy Mayor for Hinckley and Bosworth Council, visited the home with her Consort, and husband, Mike Kirby.

During the visit, Jan and Mike went round the home chatting to Residents and getting photos taken with them, before enjoying a cup of tea and mince pie in the downstairs dining room.

One Resident commented: “It was lovely to meet the Mayor at The Willows on such a personal level, I had a really great time chatting to her.”

The Wellbeing Co-ordinator at The Willows said: “The whole team at The Willows felt honoured and proud to have a visit from the Deputy Mayor at our home. The Residents really enjoyed this opportunity to engage with her and her Consort.”