Residents at Woodcross recently held an election to vote for their Resident Representative, in which, the winner was Abu Sidat.
Abu is a Resident who initially moved into the home in May 2015, and he has always been a very driven and indepentant individual as he is currently studying for 4 A-levels with the ambition of becoming a doctor.
Upon being voted as Representative, Abu commented: “I feel very pleased and proud to be voted in by the other Residents. I will do my best to represent everyone and put forward their views.”
Abu officially began his role on 1st April and is enjoying it thoroughly, he is able to speak to each Resident and become more confident.
Dawn Atwell, Home Manager, commented: “Abu is a great choice for Resident Representative and we look forward to catching up with him weekly. I am so happy he is comfortable in this role, and I wish him the best in it.”
Congratulations Abu!