Tenlands Residents celebrate Dignity Day Residents at Tenlands care home in Ferryhill were delighted to come together with family and friends to celebrate Dignity Action Day.

The day’s activities began with arts and crafts, including decorating bird boxes, drawing pictures and decorating a tree, were Residents stuck on words which explained what dignity meant to them.

While Marjorie, Anne and Nancy all enjoyed decorating their bird boxes, Geoff, who is a new Resident in the home, coloured in the Dignity Tree with the help of his wife Joyce.

The activities came to an end as Margaret Berriman and Margaret Berry, who both volunteer at Tenlands, read out poems from HC-One’s recently-published anthology, A Book of Poetry.

One Resident commented: “I really enjoyed decorating the Dignity Tree and bird boxes, it was great fun and very therapeutic.”

Victoria Leighton, Home Manager at Tenlands, said: “It was lovely to see so many Residents and their Relatives getting involved in the Dignity Day activities. The atmosphere in the home was really amazing and there were smiles all around.”