Table cricket competition comes to Grimsby care homeThis afternoon HC One’s Clarendon Hall decided to set up a table cricket tournament for the Residents.

The Residents took part in an afternoon of table cricket which encouraged their competitive side to come out, but also resulted in lots of support and cheering on both teams’ attempts to score some points.

Each Resident took it in turns to roll their ball down the bowler’s ramp, with another Resident ready at the other end to ‘bat’ the approaching ball.

Lots of laughs were heard throughout the event and the social inclusion volunteers enjoyed helping out, they took the time to chat to the Residents which were waiting for their turn.

One of the Residents Barbara was joining in with the game and laughed ‘I wonder if I’ll get a turkey – no wait that’s ten pin bowling!!’

The scores were tallied up at the end and added to a local leader board, in hopes that Clarendon Hall will come out on top against other care homes in the area. It is all about the taking part however and it made for a really fun day at the care home which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

One of the Colleagues at the home Stephanie commented ‘My goodness, you must all be enjoying yourselves in here, I can hear the cheering from my office!’