Sunnside enjoy a Blackpool day out
Colleagues at Sunnyside Care Home took seven Residents for a special minibus trip to Blackpool.
As Colleagues and Residents arrived in Blackpool they were greeted by dark grey clouds and a drizzle of rain but it didn’t dampen spirits.
Despite the drizzle, Residents enjoyed took a little stroll along the sea front and arrived at Pablo’s fish & chip bar ready for some proper seaside fish & chips.
After lunch and several hot brews, the weather perked up a bit and the team split into two groups, with one heading for the pier and the other for the arcades- some of the Residents couldn’t wait to hit the 2p machines!
For those who visited the pier, Residents were able to take a nice look out to sea and also back at Blackpool itself and enjoyed reminiscing about holidaying in Blackpool in younger years.
Some of the residents were really excited when they saw the tower.
For those in the arcades, Residents enjoyed playing on the 2p machines and some even won a prize or two!
Before heading back to the minibus the Residents enjoyed a sweet Donut before heading back to the home for a well earned rest.

‘I’ve had a lovely day!’ said Resident Vera Wharton.

Home Manager, Kathleen Cox commented:
"It was so nice to hear everyones stories from the day! Blackpool holds so many lovely memories for our Residents and it is amazing that they can still create them at Sunnyside."