Summerville care home open for outside visitorsFollowing lockdown, Summerville care home are able to start inviting families to visit their relatives again under new guidelines.

We have bought and arranged new garden furniture and a gazebo to enable families to visit outside with Covid -19 guidance in place.

Families are allowed to visit in twos. PPE and cleaning regimes in place have allowed us to bring families together with relatives and our first ones were absolutely delighted to be face to face again.

There were no issues with observing the restrictions put in place and the visit was a great success.

Linda Grey, step-daughter of Resident Neville Grey said she was delighted and relieved, it made such a difference actually being face-to-face rather than on a video call. Neville was very happy to see his family in person. 

Home Manager, Sharon Singleton, commented, “Everyone was a bit emotional and happy, it went so well. It was a great start to our new visiting regime.”