Summer fun at Clarendon Hall
Clarendon Hall recently held thier annual summer fayre here at the home and friends, family, colleagues and Residents came together to enjoy the festivities.
There were lots of different stalls on offer for the Residents and visitors to browse around and purchase some bargains including a tombolo stall, arts & crafts, cake stall, brick a brac, and a refreshments stall.
The home put on a variety of kids game and a tasty BBQ selling burgers and hot dogs.
Residents had a brilliant day and everyone joined in.
Entertainer Marcello Marti came into the home and sang,and all of the Residents loved him.
All proceeds from the day went towards the Residents fund.
Home manager, Nicola Walker commented:
"We have had a lovely day full of fun, singing and food. Thank you to the Residents, staff and their families for helping out!"