Summer fete celebrations at The HornchurchResidents at HC-One’s The Hornchurch care home recently enjoyed a summer fete in the theme of ‘a trip to the beach’.

The fete comprised of ten different stalls which included exciting activities such as a raffle, coconut shy and hook-a-duck game, as well as various food and refreshments, including a BBQ which was popular with everyone.

Children enjoyed the nail painting stalls, whilst Colleagues enjoyed teaming together as they threw wet sponges at Tania Banner, Home Manager. Live entertainment was also held which included songs from the 1940s and 1950s which Residents enjoyed singing along and dancing to.

The event raised just under £400 and everyone was pleased with the success of the day. Home Manager, Tania, commented: “The fete was brilliant, many people attended and it was lovely to see how much everyone enjoyed themselves. I am so pleased with how successful the event was.”