Stirling care home Residents create beautiful rose petal artworkResidents at HC-One’s Forthbank care home in Stirling have been making the most of the rose petals that have been falling in the garden and made pressed flower pictures to show around the home.

Forthbank care home garden is full of wonderful flora and the team at the home have decided to utilise all the fallen rose petals to create some unique pieces of art.

Resident pressed the petals in between two pages to flatten them and then organised them on some pieces of paper before they eventually got laminated to hold the petals in place.

One Forthbank Resident said: “Selecting the flowers was very fun, it was such a good idea to make out of them. The smell was wonderful too.”

It is important to keep Residents engaged in arts and craft projects, as they involve moving the hands and fingers. These movements involve fine motor skills and improve the overall muscle strength and control over movements

Forthbank Home Manager Yvonne Graham said: “It is good to see the Residents having fun whilst selecting and smelling the flowers.”