Spring ‘Bee’ visits Residents in WhittleseyResidents in HC-One’s The Gables care home in Whittlesey were in for a surprise on Thursday when their Pets As Therapy dog, ‘Fish’, who was dressed as a bee, paid them a visit.

Fish met all the Residents and they thoroughly enjoyed meeting and stroking him.

Residents smiled as Fish walked around the home greeting everyone, “Fishie enjoys walking around and spreading spring time fun”, the owner Ruth said.

The Gables Home Manager, Henry Mutambo said: “Residents seem to really enjoy Fish, they can stroke him and get a feeling for his sensory bee jacket.”

Pets as Therapy is a charity that aim to improve and enhance the lives of people in our communities suffering from loneliness and physical health conditions such as Autism, Dementia and Stroke.  

They visit homes as part of a plan to include animal interventions as part of a holistic approach to treatment.