Southport Trip makes Residents Wish Come TrueMeadowbank House Resident David Burke had made a wish to take a trip to Martin Mere in Southport, and this week was his lucky week!

David use to be a joiner where he owned his own successful business. His hobby, from when he was a boy had been collecting eggs (this was before it became illegal of course!) and his eyes still light up whenever someone shows an interest in learning anything bird related. He was completely in his element on this trip and he was able to lead and teach the others things he has learned over the years.

Everyone loved the trip to Martin Mere as they have hundreds of ducks and geese that you can feed.
 Residents were able to enjoy a short 10-minute presentation on flamingos, where they learnt facts about their feathers, such as why they are pink, why they stand on one leg and how they are actually quite flirty animals. They even got too see their fluffy grey flamingo chicks!

Martin Mere even have a section called “weirdest and most wonderful wetland birds” where Residents were able to see unusual ducks from as far as Africa. David has travelled all around the world a lot and was able to pin point a few birds from their native countries.

The homes hospitality team had prepared a delicious pack lunch for everyone to eat before enjoying an ice cream, a cold drink and a souvenir from the parks shop.

Kelly Champkin, Home Manager, commented:

“Everyone had a great time and Residents loved making the most of this warm weather and learning about and seeing the wildlife.  Our Residents all came back with smiles on their faces!”