At Wiltshire’s residential, nursing and residential memory care,
Market Lavington, memories have been shared about a very special hobby that has lasted more than six decades.
Wellbeing Coordinator, Riaz Ali, visited one Resident this morning, Sonja Parfitt (pictured) and noticed she was sewing. The beautiful compact sewing kit took his eye, and he asked her about it.
Sonia commented, “It’s sixty years old! It’s been with me on holiday, and to so many places.”
“I may not have used it much, that’s why it looks so good, but I remember so well the times I did use it to repair a dress for a ball, or to repair socks for my husband.”
Both then had a wonderful conversation about how material things can be ‘invested’ with such strong, meaningful memories, and the poignant way in which people can become attached to the things we own!
Riaz remarked, “I feel privileged in my role to be able to have conversations with Residents, with people from a different era and different age, who are willing to share such memories.”