Silverwood Residents enjoy a Pyjama Party
Everyone feels sluggish and tired through January, so staff at Silverwood in Rotherham decided to hold a pyjama party for Residents and staff to help chase away those January blues!

Residents, staff and some relatives partied in their pj’s to live entertainment. Residents loved the live music and songs, particularly Resident Kathleen who said:

"I love it when we have a singer, have you seen me dancing?"

We had a cheeky tipple with the music and dancing, and the afternoon was enjoyed by all. Especially Mr and Mrs Fox who were taken back to their dance hall days and enjoyed a spin around the dancefloor, even showing the carers a few moves!
Mrs Hazel Fox, wife of Resident Peter Fox said,
“I am over the moon that I got the chance to dance like that with Peter, I love your party days.”
Carrie, Silverwood's Home Manager said,
“I love it when a party comes together and we have a great time, I have even learned a few dance moves today!”