Sew lovely Resident receives award for kindnessMrs Barbara Ponting, a Resident at HC-One’s Aberpennar Court care home in Miskin, Mountain Ash received a Kindness in Care Award for her thoughtful contributions to premature baby units in local hospitals. 

The Kindness in Care Awards programme was launched by HC-One, a leading provider in health and social care, in October 2013.  It recognises the efforts of their kindest colleagues, and the impact they have on the lives of Residents and their loved ones. Month on month, record breaking numbers of awards are presented to colleagues, volunteers, and whole teams within the family of homes that HC-One operates across the UK.

So far, Barbara has made over two hundred bonnets for premature babies in local hospitals, she has also made lots of bonding squares for the Special Care Neonatal Unit at St Thomas Hospital in London. 

Barbara Ponting commented:

“I thoroughly enjoy making the bonnets and taking them to the hospital and getting to see all of the babies.” 

Alison Durbridge, Home Manager at Aberpennar Court said:

“It’s so lovely that Barbara’s is making a difference to the lives of premature babies and their families by knitting such beautiful bonnets and bonding squares.

"It is a very well deserved Kindness in Care award for Barbara, who is such a wonderful lady and always thinks of others.”