Sandon House visit Alexandra Park
Resident’s from HC-One’s Sandon House in Mossley spent a sunny afternoon at Alexandra Park in Oldham.
Resident, Eric said he loved taking his children to the park when they were younger so the trip brought back many happy memories.

 First stop was the Boat House cafe for some lunch in the sunshine, along with a cup of tea. After lunch, the Residents opted for an ice-lolly to keep cool. Then everyone enjoyed a stroll around the gigantic park, taking in the beautiful views.

Resident Mary remarked:

“Look at how beautiful it is! Blue skies & beautiful views, what more could you ask for!”

As the residents returned back to the lake, the ducks were eagerly waiting to be fed, and Residents observed a huge heron which was standing proud on top of the bridge waiting for the fish from the lake!

Everyone eventually returned to the minibus for a well-earned rest after a fantastic day out!

Louise Schofield, wellbeing coordinator commented:

“It was lovely to hear the residents reminiscing about when they used to come with their children. It brought back many memories for them. It is a very picturesque place with beautiful surroundings. I think I enjoyed it as much as the residents did!”