Residents at HC-One’s
Pendleton court care home, in Salford, Manchester took a step into the future this week and put on their virtual headsets to take part in a VR experience.
Colleagues at the 58-bed residential, nursing and residential dementia care home organised for the ‘VR Doctors’ to come in and whisk Residents away to a truly beautiful tropical paradise, with sandy beaches and underwater swimming. Residents particularly enjoyed seeing baby turtles in the sand which were scurrying into the sea, and shoals of fish and sealions and whales.
Diane, who is a Resident at the care home, couldn’t get over the experience and was amazed at the creatures, she was reaching out to touch them. She commented, “It’s so real. I could reach out and touch the fish.”
Residents shared their experiences together, which created discussion on all different subjects surrounding the sea and the beach.
Lesley, Wellbeing Coordinator, remarked, “We are always looking at sensory activities. This may not suit everyone, but many will have a positive experience from it. There are lots of other software and the sky is the limit… literally!”