Sabourn Court Residents have been experiencing Playstation virtual reality!The Residents at Sabourn Court in Leeds which offers general nursing and residential care have been experiencing David Attenborough's First Life (virtual reality) in the home’s lounge.

In this experience, the Residents took a trip under the sea to visit the great barrier reef with David Attenborough narrating in this experience.

Residents had a 360° view in a submarine while they explored the Great Barrier Reef and were able to look all around them!

The Residents really enjoyed this experience, and very much and loved seeing the fish swimming around.
Two of the Residents, said, “I was like being under the sea in a submarine and I could see all the fish" and “It was a lot of fun and a new experience that I had never done before”.

Susan Winterburn, Care Home Manager, commented, “At the home, we always encourage the Residents to try something new and especially with how technology has moved and evolved, and the Residents really enjoyed the experience so we will be doing this more often going forward”.