Rotherham care home share a heart to heartHC One’s Silverwood care home has thought of a lovely way to keep Residents and Relatives connected during these difficult times.

Residents at the Rotherham care home have been finding it difficult, as well as their loved ones, since we all went into lockdown and visitation was restricted.

Some very kind people in the local community wanted to help so made little sets of fabric love hearts and donated them to the home.

The idea behind it is a Resident and their loved one both have a matching fabric heart. This was so they can have some kind of connection at all times even though they are apart.

Carrie the home manager has also written a poem to accompany the hearts and these have been posted out to the Relatives.

The poem reads: 
‘When my day is worrying, and I’m feeling blue, I will take out my love heart, and fondly think of you.
Keep my heart in your pocket, keep me nice and close, know that in all the world, it is you I love the most.’

Residents said this was a lovely gesture and become quite emotional when receiving their heart.