Roseberry Court celebrate National Pie WeekOn Monday, Roseberry Court celebrated National Pie Week by naming their pies after three of their Residents, much to the Residents amusements.

First came the Lilly pie, which was a steak and kidney pie and it turned out to be the favourite pie of the day. Then came a fish pie called the Audrey pie.

The third pie was named after a Resident called Cynthia who sadly passed away recently. They named the cheese pie after her because she was always full of fun and they wanted to celebrate her life. 

The event made teatime really fun with the Residents all giggling away when asked which pie they wanted and it put a smile on everyone’s face.

The Residents really enjoyed the pies being named after their peers, with one commenting:

"Well this a novelty; I’ve never eaten a pie named after a lady!”

June and Sylvia, Residents at Roseberry Court, commented:

“Core blimey, look at these, can I have all three?”