Rochdale care home celebrates Open Day with local communityOakland care home in Rochdale was delighted to open its doors to the local community as it celebrated the seventh national Care Home Open Day.

The nation-wide event gives local people the opportunity to learn more about the care services at the heart of their community. It focusses on bringing those who live locally into care homes to break down misconceptions, showcase what life is really like in a care home, and to highlight the skills and dedication of local people working as carers.

This year’s theme was ‘Celebrating Art in Care’, with HC-One launching a national art competition for Residents and visitors to the home. Participants could create anything from paintings, drawings, knitting, poetry, calligraphy, pottery and more.

Residents were joined by loved ones and members of the local community as they took part in the exciting events on offer. Staff also wore fancy dress costumes and provided foods to guests, which contributed to the fantastic £136.30 raised for the Residents’ Fund.

One Resident said: “I really enjoyed my day, especially all the games and entertainment that were available.”

Amcia Hara, Home Manager at Oakland, said: “Everyone at Oakland was delighted to contribute to Care Home Open Day as we organised a number of exciting events for everyone to enjoy. We were delighted to welcome members of the local community to enable them to learn more about the kind care provided by HC-One.”