Retired fisherman brings back happy memories for Stornoway care home ResidentsResidents at HC-One’s Blar Buidhe care home in Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis welcomed retired fisherman, Ian Murray on Thursday 22nd August for interesting reminiscence talk about life at sea and local fishing communities.

Everyone gathered in the lounge to listen to Ian as he shared his experiences at sea and talked about how the fishing industry has changed over the years. For a lot of the home’s Residents, Ian’s talk brought back happy memories of their younger days growing up in fishing families and communities. 

Ian also brought along models of the boats he has worked on in his life as well as some beautiful paintings of boats which were all admired by Residents. After the talk, Ian spent some time listening to fishing stories from Residents over a tea and biscuits. 

One Resident Murdo Afrin said: “There’s nothing like being at sea.”

Donald McIntosh, Blar Buidhe Home Manager said: “Thank you to Ian for visiting Blar Buidhe to provide such an interesting and engaging talk for our Residents, which brought back many happy memories.”