Retail therapy for Hayes care home ResidentHC-One’s Aston House care home in Hayes regularly organises special days for Resident’s to enjoy their favourite hobbies and pastimes, on Friday 12th October it was the turn of Marjorie.

Marjorie can find larger group activities to be a little overwhelming at times, so she opted for a shopping trip to Uxbridge with Wellbeing Coordinator, Laura. 

The ladies got on the bus and headed for an afternoon of retail therapy and browsing the shop windows. Marjorie helped Laura pick out her dream wedding ring and even offered to help her find her future husband.

Before heading back to Aston House, they stopped at Greggs to get a sausage roll and watch the world go by. When they returned Marjorie commented on what a wonderful day she had and how she is already looking forward to her next trip out with Laura.

Laura Baumane, Wellbeing Coordinator at Aston House commented:

“At Aston House, we believe is those little moments that make a big difference to people’s lives. That’s why we organise special experiences for each individual Resident as well as the variety of activities on offer each day.”