Resident’s at Eastbourne House reminisce with virtual realityResidents at Eastbourne House took a virtual trip down memory lane using virtual reality headsets.
The virtual tour included some local landmarks like Beamish, St James Park, and Greys Monument along with some more distant locations including Buckingham Palace and some scenic countryside walks.

The Residents provided a commentary on what they were seeing and hearing. Penny, a Resident at Eastbourne House reminisced about her past visits to London and found the experience so lifelike she reached out to touch the horses. 

When asked what the best part was most Residents commented that it was a lovely to feel like they were somewhere they have been before and brought back so many memories.

Debbie White, Home Manager at Eastbourne House said:

“Virtual reality is a great way to start conversations about past memories and experiences with the Residents. The team enjoy finding out more about each Resident’s life.”