Residents visit local Butterfly WorldResidents at HC-One’s Hartford Court Care Home in Cramlington, Northumberland to Butterfly World at Preston Park in Stockton. 

The team at Hartford court arranged for our lady Residents to enjoy a day out where they were amazed at how many different types of butterflies there were and all giggled and were overjoyed when they landed on them. 

Beth Blackett, Edna Bainbridge, Lilly Innes, Shield Drummond, Lena Lowery and her daughter Lenas also enjoyed seeing what else the Butterfly World had to offer. They loved looking at all of the different plants and also had the opportunity to meet reptiles and Meerkats but the butterflies were their firm favourite. 

Edna Bainbridge formed a particular bond with a certain butterfly who kept landing on her hair. She commented:

“Thank you so much for a wonderful day!” 

The visit to Butterfly World was a really enjoyable and therapeutic experience for the Residents who can’t wait to visit again.