Residents travel back in time for Remembrance Day at Alexander CourtResidents at Alexander Court care home in Sheffield joined together to enjoy a 1940s-themed event to mark Remembrance Day.

Activities on the day included Residents and employees dressing up in 1940s style clothing, as well as decorating the home in Union Jack bunting to mark the event.

Everyone came together to enjoy a traditional afternoon tea served in china cups and saucers, consisting of tea, coffee and homemade cakes.

Residents were also given the opportunity to share their stories and memories from the war.

To further reflect on Remembrance Day, Residents gathered to listen to The Last Post, which was played to them by a representative from Sheffield University.

Margaret Crownshore, a Resident at Alexander Court, said: “It was such a lovely day. Thanks to all the staff for organising this for us.”

Amanda Fields, Home Manager, said: “This was a lovely day for our Residents, and it’s fantastic to see staff making such a great effort with their fancy dress and baking to mark Remembrance Day at Alexander Court.”