Residents throw surprise baby shower for Senior CarerResidents at HC-One’s Snapethorpe Hall Care Home in Wakefield surprise Chloe Davies, Senior Carer, with a surprise baby shower.

Chloe was overwhelmed when Residents and her colleagues at Snapethorpe Hall pulled together to throw her a surprise baby shower, commenting:

“I can’t believe you kept it quiet for so long!”

Tea and cake were laid out for everyone to enjoy before everyone presented Chloe with gifts for her baby, which will be her first born. 

Everyone loved sharing the afternoon with Chloe and enjoyed sharing stories from their own children’s lives.

Resident Eric Burton commented:

“We’ll miss Chloe and can’t wait to see her with her baby.”

Snapethorpe Hall’s Wellbeing Coordinator, Michelle Eastwood commented:

“We would like to wish Chloe and her family the very best of luck for the new arrival.”