Residents take comfort in church service at Tameside homeAs churches have been closed since March now, Colleagues at HC One’s The Beeches decided to hold their own service.

After discussing with Residents some ideas of things they would like to do during these difficult times, some of the ladies said they were missing the monthly church group coming into the home.

The Tameside home has great links with St. Johns, so a Colleague spoke to the group leader on the phone, and he was willing to put together a small service to be delivered at the home by a member of staff.

Sade, the homes wellbeing coordinator, held the service with the help from St. Johns, and was performed on each floor of the care home.

The service started out with the Lord’s Prayer, followed by a selection of hymns and finishing with some prayers, and also a thank-you prayer to the carers at The Beeches for all their hard work.

The service was a great success, Residents said that it gave them some comfort and feeling of normality. Residents that don’t usually attend even enjoyed the shortened service and said they might consider joining in the future now.

One Resident Mary said “thank-you for arranging this for us, it was just what we were missing and you did an excellent job, I know you were nervous.”

Another Resident Ann commented “what a lovely service, my belief is very important to me and I feel some comfort now that we have had a service.”

Sade said she will be working with the church to put together another short service for the home too.