HC-One’s Highfield care home in Yarm has been chosen by Residents and their families as one of the Top 20 care homes in North East England.
There are 737 homes in North East England, with the top 20 receiving an award from the UK’s leading reviews guide to care homes, carehome.co.uk.
The award is based on reviews of the care home written by their Residents, as well as their friends and Relatives.
Amanda Hopkins, Reviews Manager of carehome.co.uk said, “We now have over 150,000 reviews of care homes on carehome.co.uk so we are able to give people a real insight in what a care home and its staff are like. Our reviews reveal the quality of their activities, nutrition and hydration as well as if the care home is value for money and the standard of their facilities.”
Reviews of Highfield care home show they provide a high standard of care and we would like to congratulate them on being a Top 20 care home in North East England!”
It is such a big achievement to be named as a top-rated care home by the Residents receiving the care as well as their family and friends.”
CoolCare, which produces intuitive care home management software, designed to help you manage your care home easily and efficiently from anywhere in the world, is sponsoring the Top 20 carehome.co.uk awards.
Fiona Hale, Managing Director at CoolCare said, “CoolCare is passionate about helping care homes to fill their vacant beds through high quality care home management. Recommendations are a hugely important part of picking the right care home for loved ones.”
Through our software, we see first-hand the vital role that carehome.co.uk reviews play in generating interest from prospective Residents and their families. That is why sponsoring the carehome.co.uk Top 20 Awards means so much to us.”
The whole team care at CoolCare send their congratulations to Highfield care home. The excellent reviews they have received is a testament to pride they take in their care home and will help those searching for care make this emotive decision with assurance.”
To view Highfield care home’s reviews, go to: https://www.carehome.co.uk/carehome.cfm/searchazref/20004514HIGA
Please follow this link for the full list of winners: http://www.carehome.co.uk/awards/