Residents make a start on their Christmas shopping at Knick Knack partyHC-One’s Grampian Court Care Home in Peterlee, County Durham, held their first Knick Knack party in October and it was a great opportunity for Residents, visitors and staff to make purchases without having to venture outside into the cold.

The items available to purchase included lamps, Christmas ornaments, handbags, jewellery, pyjamas, gift sets, cards, calendars and much more.

Some of the Residents used this as an opportunity to make a start on their Christmas shopping whilst others treated themselves to something new. 

Residents loved the opportunity to socialise in a relaxing environment. 

Geraldine Kirkbridge, Granddaughter of a Resident, commented:

“The hats and scarves are of a really good quality material, I have bought a set in blue to go with my grey coat and a plum set for my Mam that will match her Aubergine coat.”

Maureen Anderson commented:

“I have bought some bath bombs and I’m going to give one to each of my daughters.” 

Kay Rudd, Home Manager at Grampian Court, commented:

“This is the first Knick Knack party we have had at Grampian Court and it has been a successful afternoon regarding the interest shown by all who who attended and the purchases made.

We have booked another party for 20th November.”