Last week, twelve Residents from HC-One’s Grampian Court in Peterlee, County Durham, came together to take part in a chair exercise session.
The exercises that were carried out were done in time to many well-known songs such as “Love me do”, “Kissing in the Back Row of the Movies”, “Running Bear” and “We will Rock You”, to name but a few. This gave the Residents the opportunity to also have a sing-a-long to the music.
To begin with the Residents gently warmed up their muscles in their arms and legs, following instructor Kari to the best of their abilities. One of the benefits of the exercises was to help loosen up the joins, therefore helping with flexibility.
After an exercise with small hand weights, the Residents were then handed pompoms and as they started to wave them about in various ways to the music, it was clear to see that everyone was enjoying themselves!
Residents commented on how much they enjoyed the exercises and that using the small hand weights meant that they could really feel their muscles working.
Grampian’s Home Manager, Judith Tully commented:
“Kari comes in once a fortnight to do an hours’ chair exercises session with the Residents and it’s great to see them singing along and having fun whilst keeping fit.”