Residents get creative at Grampian Court with Valentine’s craft sessionThe Residents at Grampian Court embraced their creative side by creating Valentine’s themed cards, gift boxes and memory bags.

Michelle Wale, a Laundry Assistant at Grampian Court prepared and led the craft session. She pre-cut out hearts, bumble bees and words including ‘love’ and ‘mine’ for the Residents to use on their creations. Memory bags included miniature versions of items that are referenced in the poem chosen by each Resident.

The morning was thoroughly enjoyed by all who took part, everyone commented that it was nice to have the time to prepare something for Valentine’s Day. 

Ivy Cooper, a Resident at Grampian Court said:

“It was lovely of Michelle to prepare these things at home and bring them in so we could create beautiful gifts and cards for Valentine’s Day.”

Judith Tully, Home Manager at Grampian Court said:

“It’s always great to see the Residents making something nice to keep for themselves or give to a loved one.”