Residents from Grampian Court celebrate Valentine’s Day at Jack DormandThree Residents from Grampian Court Care Home visited Jack Dormand Care Home on Valentine’s Day to join in with the activities and watch their entertainment.

Maureen, Joan and Elizabeth sat down comfortably with the other Residents and were made to feel very welcome by them and the team at Jack Dormand. 

The entertainer for the afternoon was a lady called Kayley who sung a wide variety of songs ranging from musicals, ballads and songs from the rock and roll era.

During the interval, Residents enjoyed a cup of tea and a cupcake and Maureen, Joan and Elizabeth mingled with the Residents from Jack Dormand.

The Residents were all given instruments to help Kayley in the second half of the show; Joan really enjoyed herself and shook her tambourine in time to the music.