Residents from Avon Court enjoy lunch at local pubResidents and staff from Avon Court visited The Pheasant in Chippenham for some delicious pub grub.

The group orders varied from a full carvery to fish and chips, some even washed their meal down with a nice tipple or two. Margaret, a Resident at Avon Court had invited her daughter along to join in the fun.

A great time was had by all, with Resident’s commenting that their meal was lovely and they always enjoy a trip out. Members of the local community socialised with both the staff and Residents which made the day extra special for everyone.

Linda Watts, Home Manager at Avon Court said:

“It’s always so lovely watching the Resident’s going out and socialising in the local community. The smiles on their faces are a joy to see.”

The Wellbeing Co-ordinators at Avon Court work hard to organise a variety of events for the Residents to enjoy both inside and outside the home.